

Anna Williams is a certified mediator.  She has earned a Family Law Designation with the Montana Mediation Association.  She has completed advanced curriculum that includes significant qualifying experience.  She is a recognized expert in dispute resolution. Anna Williams offers alternative dispute resolution services in the form of mediation and in the form of the traditional […]

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Collaborative Divorce

Anna Williams offers her divorce clients the option of a collaborative divorce. The collaborative law process is a procedure in which clients can resolve their divorce or other family law dispute outside of a courtroom. The collaborative process is voluntary. It involves an attorney for each spouse and neutral professionals. The neutral professionals will address […]

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Prenuptial and Premarital Agreements

Prenuptial or Premarital Agreements are legal documents designed to protect an individual’s assets/income and to pre-determine how various issues should be handled in the event of a divorce and in the event of the death of a spouse. Some topics that can be included in these agreements are division of personal property, family trusts, income […]

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